Monday, September 20, 2010

Reflect this!

Well, trying to take a bit of my own advice and just chill.  Feeling wound up and up tight. This move is starting to stress me out.  The kids are acting up I'm sure because everything seems different. Their rooms are packed and the house is in disarray (not that it normally isn't in disarray) it's just more-so lately.
Can't wait til this is all done and we are settled again.
Calgon take me away... really really really faaaaaarr away!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Reflections- My First Blog Ever!

Well a lot has transpired in recent times. I have felt in a "whirlwind" at times.  As hurried as we may feel in this era of super-speed technology it is vital that we take a few moments when we can and appreciate the small things that make it all worth while.  Like our kids giggle. The lady that smiled at you at the grocery store.  The kiss your husband or wife gave you this morning or last night. The great friend that is always willing to drop anything to help. The bright sun that warms you in the morning. The cool breeze that refreshes you in the evening.
All of these are things we may take for granted and should be so thankful for.  So join me in a reflective thought and share what you appreciate too. I'd love to hear it!